Leaving Nature Materials

September 12, 2012

Joerg Heber, Publishing

It has now been more than seven years that I left active research and joined Nature Materials as an editor in March 2005. I still remember my first day as an editor, and one of the very first papers that I handled. A brush made from carbon nanotubes that made it to the Guinness Book of World Records as the smallest brush ever made.

Since then, time just flew by. I learned a lot of new science, published exciting research, and most of all, made many new friends. But for me, the time has come to take up new challenges and to broaden my experience in science publishing even further. I am therefore very happy to be able to announce that I will join Nature Communications in October as the Managing Editor (physical sciences). There I will lead a great team of editors across the entire spectrum of the physical sciences.

Nature Communications is a successful online journal that publishes across all areas of the biological, physical and chemical sciences. In particular its open access option has proved to be very popular. Working further on the development of the journal is a tremendous opportunity that I very much look forward to. The team is expanding rapidly, and if you are working in physics or materials science and are interested in a career as an editor, why not join me at the journal, as there is a job opening.

So thanks for your interest and reading this far on this more personal blog post. It is sad for me to leave Nature Materials after such a long time at the journal, with such great colleagues. At the same time, I hope to see you all again as authors, reviewers and readers at Nature Communications!


23 Comments on “Leaving Nature Materials”

  1. Paula Says:

    Congratulations and good luck! Enjoy the new challenges!

  2. Tim Jones Says:

    Sounds great Joerg. Congratulations!

  3. Cheng Says:


  4. eugen Says:

    Congratulations ! Due Joerg, I’m sure that in 2014 Nature Communications will have a Impact factor greater than 10.!

  5. Chen Says:

    Congratulations and wish the impact factor of Nature Communications to be higher and higher!

  6. Jun-Qiang WANG Says:

    Congratulations! I believe the impact factor of Nature Communications will develop very fast, and will be faster after you join it.

  7. Douglas Natelson Says:

    Congratulations, Joerg! Nature Communications will definitely benefit from your depth of experience.

  8. eugen Says:

    Since 27 september 2012 Joerg is Doctor Honoris Causa of “Gheorghe Asachi “Technical Ubiversity of Iasi,Romania -“For valuable contributions to the development of scientific publishing”
    With this occasion, Joerg held (one hour} conference about ” How to get ipublished in Nature Materials” Joerg was also the main speaker of the Workshop “Opportunities , challenges and perspectives of using of the new materials in industry ”
    Thank you Joerg !

  9. eugen Says:

    Truly, you have honored us ! My colleagues were really impressed by your conference. Thank’s again and best of luck in your challenging managing career. With friendship, eugen

  10. Prabir Says:

    Dear Joerg,
    I am truly impressed with your handling the journal in terms of maintaining its high standard as well as good turn around time. We are certain that you being at the helm of affairs the journal will continue to have increased impact factor.

  11. Musty Says:

    Dear Joerg,
    You were right about impact estimation.
    Nature Communications made 10.015 in 2012.
    Congratulations and well done.


  1. New blog address | All that matters - November 4, 2012

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